From voodoo and potions, to spray tans and boob jobs, we’ve all done crazy things in the name of finding love. As the plot of every romcom ever has taught us, romance often comes when we’re least expecting it.
Here are 3 easy ways for you to attract love:
Keep doing what you’re doing
Common interests and hobbies are always a good foundation to any successful relationship. Join a new golf club. Join a golfer’s dating website. Get involved in a charity you care about.
Surrounding yourself with people who are passionate about the same thing as you gives you a great opportunity to build relationships – not only with them, but with their social circles, as well. Maybe you’ll get online and meet another golf-loving lady who has cute friends you could get to meet. You never know! Do your thing and keep doing the things you care about. Not only will it make you happy and radiant, it will bring you closer to the people you need to meet.
Move forward
It’s not a pretty thing to think about, but you should already know by now that most of you relationships are going to fail. It’s just how it is. If each one of them was Mr. Right, that wouldn’t make much sense, would it?
Not to go all “kiss the frog for the prince to appear” on you, but it’s a fact that not all of your relationships are going to work. In fact, most of them just won’t. And that’s perfectly ok. That’s how it goes for all of us.
You need to learn to accept your past relationships as precious lessons, and get past them. Don’t dwell on unpleasant feelings and memories. You still need to find THE ONE, so make sure you don’t have a sad face when he appears.
Be positive
Let yourself be happy. Not only will it do your own soul good, it will also attract positive people your way.
Do you feel attracted to people who whine all the time? Didn’t think so.
Love your life, learn to enjoy every day. A positive attitude will draw more positive things toward yourself. Having an optimistic outlook on life tells people you are someone worth getting to know. After all, if you’re not excited about your life, there is no reason why other people should feel excited to meet you. Cheer up!
(Source: advice)