Besides being athletic and sexy, golfers have a whole bunch of other qualities that make them perfect dates. If you have ever talked to a golfer, you already know some of them, but for those of you who only admire golfers from far, here is a list of 8 valuable reasons you will be a lucky woman to date a golfer:
Golfers know how to handle good days and bad days
One day they could shoot a perfect nine over par, and then, the next day, they might struggle to break 90. Golfers are used to this, and they know they can’t predict everything. This is actually the beauty of golf. Your golfer will know there will be hard days in your relationship, but he also knows the good days will eventually come back, and he is perfectly capable of distinguishing one from another.
Golfers are good talkers
Spending several hours out in the open with no high tech such as phones, television, or the internet, golfers know how to value a good conversation. They know how to engage in meaningful, long conversations, they are good listeners and also very colorful when it comes to telling a story. If you want to introduce him to your parents, you can rest assured he is going to win them over.
Golfers are patient
Apart from trust and love, the key to a successful relationship is patience – and no one has it like golfers do. Playing golf takes a lot of patience, and your golfer will know how to use this precious quality for improving your relationship.
Golfers always show up on time
People who play golf need to be precisely right on time when a competition starts. If he needs to be teeing off at 7: 43, you can bet he will be right on time and not a minute late. The same goes for your dates – a golfer values your time and won’t leave you waiting for hours for him to show up.
Golfers know how to deal with their own mistakes
We all make mistakes, but not all of us learn from them. Golfers do. They know what it’s like to leave a birdie putt short, and they know the feeling that overcomes them when they make a mistake. They also know they won’t make the same mistake on their next hole. If a golfer forgets about a birthday or an anniversary, it will only happen once – never again.
Golfers don’t fear commitment
Playing golf takes a lot of commitment, if you want to succeed in it. There’s no giving up in a golfer’s world, and there’s no messing around. Once they’re hooked, they’re in it for the long run, so you can relax and enjoy your relationship without fearing your guy is going to run away at the first thought of commitment.
Golfers have impeccable focus and concentration
It takes years of practicing and developing a skill to focus for each and every shot during a round of golf. Golfers have many factors to think about: wind direction, the swing, and even selecting the right club on the long run. Their minds don’t float around; they can stay focused on the important things.
Golfers know how to deal with frustration
Anyone who has ever played golf, or watched a golf game, knows it is probably one of the most frustrating sports ever. In many cases, there is no justice and the ball just won’t listen. No matter how well they’ve calculated everything, things sometimes don’t go the way they should. Golfers deal with many frustrations and they know how to handle them, which is a great quality to bring into a relationship.