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Las month, Chicago public golf course allowed a strip club to host and outing on the field. Local residents were not happy about it, to say the least. If you’re wondering why the huge fuss, maybe you haven’t realized the golf course is located in the middle of a bunch of houses. There’s also a children’s playground there.
“I take my four-year-old grandson to that park,” resident Paul DiMichele said. “I would not want to have to explain to him what those people are doing. It was just the wrong place for it.”
“There was one grandmother there who was mortified,” says another resident, Christine Balog, who took photos of the outing on her cell phone. “There was a lot of nudity and things that don’t belong on a public golf course.” (via Golf Digest)
CBS reports that the strip club has already been banned from holding future events at the course. This wasn’t their first event held at the course, by the way. Apparently, this was the Fourth Annual Pink Monkey Golf Outing. Pink Monkey being the strip club, of course.
See the full video report from CBS!
(via Golf Digest)