© oneinchpunch/Dollar Photo Club
Once you’ve found someone who shares the same passion for golf s you do, it is time to star going out on dates and dazzle your brand new partner with your personality. A golfer pays attention to details, as you know, so it is very important not to make some random common mistakes.
Check out these simple, but useful tips you can use for your initial dates with a golfer:
Make an effort
A golf date would be the most natural thing to go for. You should, however, keep in mind the golfing social protocols, especially when you’re out on a date with a golfer. Avoid slow play or streamlining cart traffic, switch off your cellphone, help another player (not just your date) look for lost balls, etc. Breaking these basics may result in a not-so-satisfying date, and your partner may be disappointed.
Make an effort with the way you look. Of course you would dress properly for the golf course, but you should also make extra effort and try to look as good as possible for your date.
In case you are a beginner when it comes to gold, make sure you keep up with your knowledge regarding golf rules before you turn up on the date. Asking your date some questions about the game will show interest, but asking too many of them, especially about the rules and especially while your partner is playing, might interrupt the flow of the game. This may be annoying for many golfers. They didn’t go out with you to give you a private lesson; they went out on a date. The fact this date happens on a golf course doesn’t change the fact your date isn’t a free coach and you shouldn’t bore him/her with millions of questions.
Be gracious and understanding
As oppose to a beginner, you might be an expert in golfing, going out with a beginner. In this case, you should temper down that competitive streak of yours. Always remember that you are out on a date, and not on a tournament. The purpose of the date is to bond and have a good time, not to win the game. The game itself shouldn’t be the main focus, but a shared interest the two of you can bond over. When you are out on a golf date, and your date seems to be doing much better than you, remember to stay gracious and if things happen to be the other way round, don’t flaunt about your success too aggressively. This is a date, and this is social golf. It is more about how you play and how much fun you have, not so much about who is going to win.
If you are going on a date with a professional golfer, the dating itself may get a little more demanding. Your partner may be away more often that you thought he would, and you may not be able to see him for many days, very often. In addition, if you are a person working a “normal” nine to five job, matching your schedules might come off as a bit of a challenge. You need to understand that a popular golfer has to obtain social media presence, and if you are a person who is not used to all the attention, it might get overwhelming, so you are going to need to be prepared for the whole package.